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How does a CRM work?
  • Any business starts out with a foundation of great customer relationships. You, the seller, connect with people who need your product. Yet, as your company grows, these business connections grow more sophisticated. It’s not just a transaction between the buyer and seller. You start to manage a myriad of connections, across time, within each company you do business with. You need to share information across various teams within your own organization who are making contact with the same customers. A CRM system can serve as a vital nerve center to manage the many connections that happen in a growing business. How do you translate the many streams of data coming in from sales, customer, service, marketing, and social media monitoring into actionable business information?
  • A CRM gives everyone across the business, including sales, customer service, marketing, and business development, a better way to manage the customer relationships and interactions that drive success. With visibility and easy access to customer data, such as contact information, sales opportunities, service issues, and marketing campaigns, a CRM system can give you a clear overview of your customers. With an easy-to-use, customizable dashboard, you can see a 360-degree view of the customer, all in one place.

How CRM Can Impact Your Growing Business
For small businesses, a CRM system may simply help you put your data in the cloud, making it accessible in real time, across any device. But as you grow, a CRM can quickly expand to include more sophisticated features to help teams collaborate with colleagues and customers, send customized emails, gather insights from social media conversations, and get a holistic picture of your business health in real time.